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Friday, July 23, 2004

Disposable forks

This morning I did a little kitchen-restocking shopping at the nearby Ralph's for work.  As I'm standing in the check-out line, the guy in front of me (mid-20s; looked a little stupid in that mouth-always-slightly-open kind of way) keeps looking back at my stuff.  We're talking every three seconds.  So I start getting paranoid.  What could I be buying that deserves so much attention from this guy?  Do I, a male, have a bulk pack of tampons among my items slowly moving down the belt towards the cashier?  Nope.  Maybe it's the combination of items, then.  Like maybe I have some steaks, three bags of doritos, some cookies, 2-litres of Mountain Dew, and then a random extra-firm tofu.  Nope.  Just a lot of coffee (regular AND decaf), plasticware, styrofoam cups, a cornicopia of coffee creamers.  And I had a lot of these things.  General office-like kitchen supplies.  So the guy looks back one more time and says,

"You live in a bachelor pad?"

Said with the slight rising cadence at the end like a question, but it was ever so slight, more assumption and "I-know-what-you're-up-to" than query.  You live in a bachelor pad.  This was the assumption. 
"No," I replied.  "It's for work.  I can't drink this much coffee myself."
"Oh."  Then he nods towards the hundreds of plastic utensils.  "We don't wash our forks.  Just throw'em away."
We.  He and his roommate(s).  So that was it.  He zeroed in on the plasticware and figured I was a fellow bachelor.  Based on the plasticware I was buying en masse.  I'm not the cleanest of people, and I am a stereotypical bachelor in some regards, but I do do dishes.  And even if I didn't, the level of laziness required to be bothered by rinsing a fork before stabbing your food with it is something I never have, and never want to, know.  Besides, I assume someone who relies on plasticware at home needs the spoons more than the forks, because ramon noodles are easier to eat with spoons.  And that is what I assume these lazy bachelors' diets consist of.

And then the guy paid for his groceries (2 packages of Entenmen's donuts, a bottle of Gatorade, and a pack of Wrigley's gum) and went on his way.  Presumably to work, and then home to the bachelor pad to eat a microwave dinner in front of the TV with his bachelor roommate(s), after which he would throw out both the microwave dinner plate and the fork.


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