What a Waste of Your (the reader's) Time This Post Is
People are all about Rachel Nichols, the ESPN reporter. I mentioned her once and now apparently this blog shows up when every horny SportsCenter junkie Googles her. Based on the "recent referrers" she's a popular search.
I wrote about this trend earlier and I assume the added mentions of Rachel Nichols of ESPN on the blog moved my page higher and higher on the google list for Rachel Nichols of ESPN, and as more and more people mistakenly clicked to this blog from doing searches of Rachel Nichols of ESPN, it moved even higher yet on the list bringing even more Rachel Nichols of ESPN searchers here. It's all some sort of non-self-fulfilling prophecy. And I don't know how, but I'm sure "meta-" is applicable in some way here.
I can only imagine how many (disappointed) people this entry will bring here. You know, people looking for Rachel Nichols. Of ESPN.
Rachel Nichols.